This mixed-methods study assesses the impact of a self-directed peer learning intervention intended to alleviate known bottlenecks in engaging developmental math students with word problems. Our findings suggest that self-directed peer learning, in which students areprovided autonomy in choosing with whom they consult, has the potential to significantly strengthen students’ ability to shift from written to mathematical representations as well as decrease anxiety and increase positive engagement in mathematics education as a whole. Implications for overcoming similar bottlenecks outside of mathematics are discussed.
Keywords: word problems, peer learning, developmental math, math anxiety, algebra
How to Cite:
Smeltzer, J. H., Elia, J., Cruz, L., & Smeltzer, R. (2024). With a little help from my friends: Integrating self-directed peer learning to improve word problem completion in developmental math. Journal of the National Organization for Student Success, 1(1), 79-94. https://doi.org/10.61617/jnoss.26
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